Portuguese Vocabulary List - Adjectives

Hi! Welcome to the Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary List. Today, we will learn about brazilian portuguese adjectives

First: what is adjective? Answer: adjectives are used to qualify a noun, giving an information about the noun.

For example: 

The smart dog is trying to escape from the jail
(O cachorro inteligente está tentando escapar da cela

"Smart" is an adjective ("smart" qualify the "dog"). In portuguese, "smart" is the same of "inteligente" (smart dog = cachorro inteligente). And "cachorro" is a noun (it's the same of "dog"). 

Great! You learned your first adjective in portuguese: "inteligente". Now, let's to learn more. 

Adjectives List (english - portuguese) with examples

Observation: We will use "M" for "male words", "F" for "feminine words and "B" for both genres. Usually the males words ends with"O" and the feminine words ends with "A". 

Observation 2: Usually the adjectives appears after the nouns. Examples: homem maluco (crazy man), homem alto (tall man), homem idiota (idiot man). But in some cases the adjective must be used before the noun.

  • Angry - zangado (M) / zangada (F) - He's very "zangado" (angry). 
  • Bad - mau (M) / má (F) - She is a "mulher " (bad woman).
  • Beautiful - bonito (M) / bonita (F) - It's a "casa bonita" (beautiful house). Obs: "bonito" can mean "handsome" and "bonita" can mean "pretty". Examples: "My brother is bonito (handsome)". "My sister is bonita (pretty)"
  • Big - grande (B) - I live in a "casa grande" (big house)
  • Cheap - barato (M) / barata (F) - I want to buy a "computador barato" (cheap computer). Obs: "barata" can mean "cockroach". Ex: "My God! A disgusting barata in my bed!"
  • Clean - limpo (M) / limpa (F) - We need to develop "energia limpa" (clean energy)
  • Cold - frio (M) / fria (F) - I hate "tempo frio" (cold weather)
  • Different - diferente (B) - He's a "estudante diferente" (different student)
  • Difficult - difícil (B) - This question is very "difícil" (difficult)
  • Early - cedo (B) - It's "cedo" (early) in the moring
  • Easy - fácil (B) - This question is very "fácil" (easy).
  • Empty - vazio (M) / vazia (F) - This "sala" (room) is "vazia" (empty)
  • Expensive - caro (M) / cara (F) - This "livro" (book) is very "caro" (expensive)
  • Fast - rápido (M) / rápida (F) - This "carro" (car) is very "rápido" (fast).
  • Friendly - amigável (B) - She's very "amigável" (friendly)
  • Full ("replete") - cheio (M) / cheia (F) - The "sala" (room) is "cheia de espelhos" (full of mirrors)
  • Full ("until the end") - inteiro (M) / inteira (F) - I want to watch the "filme inteiro" (full movie)
  • Good - bom (M) / boa (F) - He's a "professor bom" (good teacher or good profesor). 
  • Happy - feliz (B) - Cachorro feliz (happy dog)

Cachorro feliz

  • Heavy - pesado (M) / pesada (F) - This "caixa (box)" is "pesada" (heavy).
  • Important - importante (B) - I received an "mensagem importante" (important message)
  • Little - pequeno (M) / pequena (F) - Hello, "pequeno garoto" (little boy). Obs: "small". 
  • Married - casado (M) / casada (F) - He's casado (married)
  • Natural - natural (B) - I want to visite the American Museum of "História Natural" (Natural History)
  • Nice - agradável (B) - He's a "agradável" (nice) guy
  • Polite - educado (M) / educada (F) - She's very "educada" (polite)
  • Poor - pobre (B), antonym of "rich"- He's a "homem pobre" (poor man). Obs: in this case, you must use "pobre" after the noun to keep the meaning. 
  • Rich - rico (M) / rica (F) - She's a "mulher rica" (rich woman).
  • Sad - triste (B) - She's "triste" (sad) now
  • Simple - simples (B) - The resolution is "simples" (simple)
  • Slow - lento (M) / lenta (F) - I hate this "trem lento" (slow train)
  • Small - pequeno (M) / pequena (F) - I live in an "apartamento pequeno" (small apartment).
  • Sweet - doce (B) - I want to eat a "torta doce" (sweet pie)
  • Tall - alto (M) / alta (F) - He's "alto" (tall).
  • Warm - morno (M) / morna (F) - The "água" (water) is "warm" (morna)
  • Well - bem (B) - They are "bem" (well). Obs: be careful, not to get confuse with "bom" or "boa". 
  • Worse - pior (B) - It's "pior" (worse) than it looks
  • Worst - pior (B) - It's the "pior" (worst) job in the world. Obs: "pior" means "worse" or "worst" (comparative or superlative). 
  • Wrong - errado (M) / errada (F) - This "resposta" (answer) is "errada" (wrong)
Resposta Errada

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